
We are living in the Time of the Unbelievable
Seven Practices and Seven Challenges to Reclaim Your Life

In this book, we will explore with the reader the “other path” to reclaim life by confirming the sense of the soul and the center of gravity of the soul.

Chapter 1: Reclaim Life from “COVID-19”
Chapter 2: Reclaim Life from “Parent Lottery”
Chapter 3: Reclaim Life from Being a “Sidelined Employee”
Chapter 4: Reclaim Life from “Detours”
Chapter 5: Reclaim Life from Being a “Dropout”
Chapter 6: Reclaim Life from “Illness”
Chapter 7: Reclaim Life from “Loss”
These seven chapters cover the life crises of people who have, for various reasons, nearly let go of their lives. These reasons are “COVID-19,” “parent lottery,” “sidelined employee,” “detours,” “dropout,” “illness,” and “loss.” Each chapter examines the practices by which these people overcame their life crises and reclaimed their lives. These are also records of how these people each undertook the challenge of drawing out their own hidden potential and strength.
It should be noted that these life crises are not individual chance occurrences. They precisely represent each and every one of the social problems that the Japanese people confront today. This book proposes that each of us can help to find solutions to these social problems by addressing them through our own lives.
My hope is that you, too, will read this book with your own life in mind. You are sure to find facets of your own self in the stories of the seven people featured in this book.
Nothing will make me happier than if you find the key to reclaiming your own life and embarking on a new journey.
(Excerpt from Keiko Takahashi’s book, Reclaim Your Life: The Power to Survive the Time of the Unbelievable)




 第1章 「コロナ」から取り戻す

 第2章 「親ガチャ」から取り戻す

 第3章 「窓際」から取り戻す

 第4章 「回り道」から取り戻す

 第5章 「落ちこぼれ」から取り戻す

 第6章 「病」から取り戻す

 第7章 「喪失」から取り戻す







Chapter 1: Reclaim Life from “COVID-19”
Chapter 2: Reclaim Life from “Parent Lottery”
Chapter 3: Reclaim Life from Being a “Sidelined Employee”
Chapter 4: Reclaim Life from “Detours”
Chapter 5: Reclaim Life from Being a “Dropout”
Chapter 6: Reclaim Life from “Illness”
Chapter 7: Reclaim Life from “Loss”
Reclaim Your Life(『人生を取り戻す』英語版) ────The Power to Survive the Time of the Unbelievable
Keiko Takahashi著


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